Resource Directories and Other Local Resources - Other Resources - Our Newsletter


Local Community Resource Directories

(includes local, state and national resources for families and providers)

Online Resource Directory for Familes in  Amador & Calaveras Counties for mobile and desktop web

Printable Amador & Calaveras Resource Directory 2024/2025 [PDF]

The directories are designed to provide the most common resources that parents have requested over the years. If the resources you need are not listed, please contact one of our offices and we will do our best to assist you in finding them.

The Directories were developed with the use of State funds received from the California Department of Social Services, Early Education and Support Division. However, the contents do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the California Department of Social Services.

Private businesses listed are included as a resource for our area. This is in no way a recommendation of any private business. If we have overlooked resources or for information in need of correction, please contact The Resource Connection. Information printed in this Resource Directory was obtained from the agencies listed and other sources deemed reliable. If there are errors, they are unintentional.

Subsidy Program Forms

Subsidy Parents / Providers - Looking for Subsidy Program forms?
find them in the Subsidy Program page

Parents - Looking to get on the child care subsidy program?
visit the Get Help Paying for Child Care page.

2024-25 Professional Development Workshops and Trainings Booklet

The 2024-2025 Child Care Resource & Referral Professional Development Workshops and Trainings booklet [PDF]

The Booklet Includes:

  • Information on workshops and trainings from July 2024 to June 2025 that we offer in Amador and Calaveras County
  • How to register for the California ECE Workforce Registry
  • How to register for workshops via the California ECE Workforce Registry

For timely workshop updates and additions will be published in our newsletter or our Facebook page.

Emergency Planning Workbook for Child Care Providers

This workbook helps child care providers and centers develop a comprehensive plan for what have ready and what to do during a disaster.

Emergency Preparedness Planning Workbook for Child Care Providers [PDF]

Informational Pamphlets and Fliers

We carry a wide selection of information pamphlets and fliers covering many Child Development and Parenting Issues, most pamphlets are also available in Spanish.

Topics include - Food & Nutrition, Special Needs, When a Child Bites, Family Time, Communication, Self-Esteem, Toilet Teaching, When a Child is Too Ill for Child Care, Safety, Separation, Stress, Managing Anger, Exercise, School Readiness, Sleep and Positive Discipline.

Child Care & Development Lending Library

Our lending library is a resource of knowledge specializing in children, child care, child development, child care business, and early education.



Family & Community Services

Child Care Resource & Referral - Referrals to licensed family child care homes, preschool and child care centers, Information on child care options.

Child Care Subsidy Program - Assistance for eligible parents to help pay for care. 

Emergency Child Care Bridge Program for Foster Children - aims to facilitate the immediate placement of children within the foster care system into a stable child care and development setting by helping relatives, parenting youth under the jurisdiction of the court, or foster/resource families obtain child care services upon placement.

Grandparents Respite Care Subsidy & Grandparent Cafe - A program in Amador County for grandparents caring for their grandchildren - Respite Child Care Subsidy to provide temporary relief while caring for their grandchildren and Grandparent Cafe Meetings for social support, educational information, and community resources.

Community Resources Education, Information, Advocacy and information on issues affecting families, child development, and child care.

Calaveras Child Care Council - Supports policy and planning to promote the development of affordable, accessible, quality child care in Calaveras County. For more information visit or call (209) 754-1075 or (877) 944-9911 toll-free.

Amador Child Care Council - Supports policy and planning to promote the development of affordable, accessible, quality child care in Amador County. For more information visit or call (209) 754-1075 or (877) 944-9911 toll-free.

Provider Services

Child Care Resource & Referral - Provides free referrals to licensed child care, facilities and licensed exempt child care centers; current child development information; professional development opportunities; and local stipend programs.

Child Care Initiative Project - Support to start and run a successful family child care business through training and assistance.

Child Care Recruitment - Monitor and recruit early care and education staff and facilities to help meet the needs of communities. Support, guidance and assistance.

Workshops/Trainings - Topics such as child development, Infant- Toddler Care, Discipline & Guidance, Arts & Crafts, Nutrition, Eco-healthy, First Aid and CPR, Family Child Care Business, and more.

Lending Library/Toy Lending Library - Child Development and Child Care Resources